Gauge accessories

Gauge accessories

Shop now for the largest range of Daytona VELONA gauge accessories and optional parts in Australia. We have been importing and disturbing VELONA gauges for well over a decade and we can help you with add on optional parts to utilize all of the VELONA functions or help with correct installation to a wide range of bike models. We stock temp sensors for the VELONA & DEVA-01 as well as optional wiring harnesses and induction wiring sets

When connecting the electrical Speedometers, some will wire directly into the bikes factory speed sensors, but if your models doesn’t have a speed sensor (or suitable speed sensor), we have you covered with our extensive range of speed sensors and pulse sensors. We stock speed sensors for popular Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, and Kawasaki models as well as sensors for Triumphs, Ducati’s, and Moto Guzzi models to name a few.

Other products here include mounting stays and brackets, toggle switches to scroll VELONA LCD screens and switch DEVA functions, instrument warning lights (dash lights) and many general use electrical wiring related parts that will help you install your new custom gauges like a pro!

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